Anna ISD's maker-space was started in the Fall of 2019 by Ms. Emily Burk, who manages this new space of innovation. You would never guess this program just started less than 6 months ago from the expertise and looks of what the students are creating.
From t-shirts to brochures, the Anna ISD students are applying industry level skills to create
products and designs that are typically only found at professional print-shops. The maker-space has a Roland DGA large format printer/cutter and a Roland direct to garment printer that Emily has been able to implement and apply into her program with expertise, giving students hands-on experience with the types of design systems they'll encounter in a graphic design or graphic arts focused career.
print-shop expertise in less than 6 months
Whether you are aware or not, this truly is a field that impacts each of us on a daily basis from food packaging to clothing. Probably no other career path does more to shape consumer behavior than this area of study. Watching the maker space video, these students certainly have the talents to move themselves toward successful futures.
Further, this innovation space has become an enterprise that is delivering a return on investment. The maker-space has become a revenue generating print-shop that enables Anna ISD to in-source printing as opposed to out-sourcing print jobs, which reduces cost for the district and provides students with invaluable experience.
The maker-space is open to Anna ISD's maker-space club in addition to all Anna ISD students who have class projects that require an extra touch of professional design and print quality. Way to go Anna ISD, Ms. Emily Burk and the Anna ISD Maker-Space Club. Great success story in such a short amount of time!
If you're interested in creating a maker-space adding a Roland DGA printer to enhance your design program, we're here to help. Contact us at
Our passion is helping your CTE or STEAM program succeed!