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Roland Printers Create Great Christmas Gifts

Steve Stone

The holidays have past and Christmas morning is but a memory. For those of you who found no issue when the last Christmas song sunsetted on the radio dial, this may shock your system?

I actually know a person who starts her holiday shopping for the coming year when the after Christmas sales start...yikes!

If you can appreciate that and have a Roland printer, have a read of the Roland blog article below and consider some of the great gift ideas that the Roland employees created using Roland printing systems.

The holidays aside, you can use Roland printing systems to create some amazing products for your school any time of the year whether it's printing on shirts, hats or creating posters and wraps - you can print on just about anything you can imagine!

Blog article published by Roland DGA: "Twas the Personalization Before Christmas."

If you're interested in adding a Roland DGA printer to enhance your design program, we're here to help.

Our passion is helping your CTE or STEM program succeed!


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